
Karen F

Very helpful instruction with continuous inner thigh focus (I needed all of those reminders!) and also on moving the foot from the ankle bone and not the big toe. Thank you!

Joanna M

Great class and a really supportive warm teacher, thank you

Catherine H

Amazing class. I discovered even more ways to stretch my body. Unfortunately because of a large amount of scat tissue in my lower back, i find the rolls very difficult - but that's just me!
Thank you so much for great and very descriptive instructions.

elaine e

really liked this , will try again !!!

Jo w

Although I was unable to do everything in this class I thought it was really good especially when you can't always watch what is being done and have to rely on the teacher giving spoken instructions to get the movement right.

Caroline M

A very nice class.
However, the instructor has a soft voice, and there was something wrong with the sound controls so that I couldn't increase the volume within the video.

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