
lily R

I can feel I have worked my buttocks which is good, but I usually find the instruction on your site impeccable, but for the first time thought this was not the clearest.

Amit - yoopod .

Hi Lily. Thanks for your comment, which I find honest and fair. I am glad to hear you feel well worked out... that probably means you managed well despite the lack of clarity ;)
Stay well

Jo w

Instructions too quick and not clearly explained, also felt I could have done with a bit of a warm up first, so although I’m on intermediate level this was not for me.

Amit - yoopod .

Hi Jo
Thanks for your comment! Holly is going through the Classical Pilates order at the beginning of the class in order to warm up and prepare us for the upright work. I totally understand that for many people this is not "enough" of a warm up as it dives right into the 100's and Roll Ups etc. (even at a Basic level).
If you are keen to have another look at this class, I would suggest maybe taking a 20 minutes class with another teacher you are familiar and feel comfortable with and then trying this class...?
Hope this helps
BW, Amit

Jackie C

Wrapping was beyond me. Feels like a very technical move. Trainer very quick. Not great for a basic student wanting to transition up.

Amit - yoopod .

Hi Jackie. Thanks for your comment. You are absolutely right - this class is not appropriate for a basic student wanting to transition up... any of the more "classical" classes will probably be too much at the moment. I would suggest trying Intermediate level classes by Anoushka, Nathan, Nikki, Joanne or myself and progressing gradually from there. Hope this helps. BW Amit

Jackie C

Thanks for that pointers Amit.
Got drawn into doing this class again today because I like the focus of doing buttock work but it’s too technical.

Amit - yoopod .

Thanks for letting me know Jackie.
I would suggest trying the below class which is much more straight fwd and with a strong emphasis on working the buttocks :)

Margie N

Great class my butt thanks you.

yoopod .

always happy to help ;-)

Rachel J

Thoroughly enjoyed this class - really made me analyse what I'm doing! Many thanks.

Sally V

Wow! This was a really instructive class and made me use muscles that I'd forgotten about! Thank you!

Jenni F

A bit too hard to follow for me, sadly, I can't get the "wrapping" idea at all.

Ellie P

Great class thanks Holly :) - this feels especially great after your workshop on Saturday as it gave me chance to re-practice what we learnt. Thank you and hopefully I will see you again soon. Ellie x

Charlotte W

Very interesting class, would have liked a little deeper explanation but I understand we were moving at an intermediate pace. Is there a lower-level class with similar focus but more explanation perhaps? Also the instructor was asking the client to engage "here" but as she was touching her and not me I wasn't 100% sure where I was supposed to be working.

Lisa S

would prefer if the model knew the exercise

kay D

Your ace Holly, really understood your instruction and was amazed at the difference executing the right muscles and correct makes to the moves could feel it working just where it is needed. Thank you

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